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Twitter Elects Nigeria’s Ex-Finance Minister As A Board Member

Twitter Elects Nigeria’s Ex-Finance Minister As A Board Member

Nigeria’s former finance minister Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala has been appointed to the board of directors of Twitter.
She will be replacing Marjorie Scardino, the former Chief Executive of Pearson.

She tweeted the news of her appointment, saying she was “excited” to work on a platform that connects people and ideas.
Excited to work with @Jack and an incredible team on the Board of Twitter, a global platform that is such a strong connector of people and ideas.
According to Omod Kordestani, the Executive Chairman of Twitter, Okonjo-Iweala was appointed alongside Robert Zeollick, the eleventh President of the world bank, as independent directors on Twitter’s board.
Kordestani said: “Ngozi and Bob are distinguished leaders with unparallelled global perspective and policy expertise.
“We are confident they will be incredible assets to Twitter as we continue to focus on driving transparency and making Twitter a safer, healthier place for everyone who uses our service.”
Similarly, Chief Executive Director of Twitter,  Jack Dorsey, tweeted: “We’re adding Ngozi (@NOIweala) and Bob (@authorzoellick) to the Twitter board. Welcome! Sadly we’re also saying farewell to our friend Marjorie (@marjscar). She’s been an amazing advocate for journalists everywhere, and pushed us constantly to better inform people. Thank you M.”
Twitter, like other Silicon Valley companies, has been criticised for not being inclusive enough.
With Mrs Okonjo-Iweala’s appointment, Twitter’s 10-member board now has three women, two of whom are black.

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