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Working hard but still failing to attain the desired results..reasons???

Working hard but still failing to attain the desired results; we all have been there and done that! More so in academic lives where sometimes being successful looks near impossible. Sometimes working really hard too fails to pay. Sometime the result reaped is not really proportional to the effort sowed. What are the reasons that sometimes even the most sincere of efforts result in disappointment in student life? Read along to find out the top 10 reasons you fail despite of studying hard.


Image result for reading10. Difficulty in retaining Subject Matter:

All students are not the same. There are those who need less time to understand and retain the subject matter. However there are also those who inspite of putting in hard work find it difficult to recollect the same during assessments. It is actually one of the very common reasons of failure in students who even relentlessly burn the midnight oil.

9. Problems at home:

Children who belong to broken families or families with problems often find it difficult to transform their hard work into solid results. The emotional instability around them often has a direct bearing on their well-being in terms of psychological health too. So even though the student might be working hard trying turning a blind eye to all that is disturbing around him; his subconscious mind might take over and hinder desired results.

8. Test anxiety:

Sometimes when the moment of truth comes students freeze due to fear or anxiety. Yes, test anxiety is very common in students. Nervousness, nausea or just uneasiness might take over once in the examination hall. At that moment no amount of hard work comes to the rescue and things eventually go down the drain. Perhaps in such cases a psychological consult to deal with such fears must be brought in the picture else their dreams and aspirations might remain unfulfilled.

7. Studying Techniques:

Image result for readingSometimes the technique of studying might directly result in unfavorable scores. It is seen that students who depend on cramming everything in their syllabus from an early age find it increasingly difficult to attain good grades as years pass by. Cramming might be an easy option when in junior classes beyond a point it becomes useless. With increase in the complexity of course materials, understanding the concepts becomes necessary to fare well. But often letting go of the habit becomes too difficult leading to constant disappointments.

6. Wrong Course:

Sometimes students are forced into a particular discipline by parents or at times they make the wrong choice due to peer pressure. Whatever might be the reason, a student who does not have the aptitude for science cannot really do well in it no matter what lengths she travels. Careful choice of course is very essential in ensuring that a student’s hard work is rewarded.

5. Low self confidence:
We can do all the preparations and turn through every page in every book but without confidence they amount to nothing. Confidence building is very important to give a student the belief that she can get through any exam in her life. It might be fear of the subject or just lack of faith in their own abilities; but it does affect the outcome of exams inspite of the best of preparations.

4. Bad writing and presentation skills:

Most of the tests and assessments comprise of written examinations where every question needs to answered carefully. We all would have come across friends or acquaintances who were not only intelligent but hardworking too. But due to their bad handwriting or presentation skills they failed in securing good grades. So yes what a student puts in the answer papers is very important for translating hard work into equally deserving marks.

3. Missing on preparing the important topics:

Students often leave out sections from their syllabi either due to lack of time before exams or just out of a gut feeling of what is most likely to come in the question papers. But that doesn’t mean that they do not work hard. They might labor on hundreds of other topics but as luck would have it only the ones they leave out might come in the test or assessment. So yes at times selective studies might result in failure.

2. Improper revision techniques:

Image result for reading booksRevision before exams is very important. But it is also essential to have a proper and well thought out revision strategy. Managing to go through the whole syllabi the night before exam is vital to good preparation. It is never a good idea to study something for the first time just before exams for there might be too much to retain in too less time. A haphazard revision technique no matter how elaborate could result in bad results in exams.

Image result for reading1. Getting stuck with one question:

Sometimes a student might be prepared to solve every question that appears in the paper but just then emerges one deal breaker. Yes, a question that comes into view out of the blue and just doesn’t seem to get solved. It is at such questions that students get stuck at, till it gets too late to attempt the rest of the paper well. So that one question and the time spent on that hinders the prospects of good results for students.

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